This material is provided to you here, thanks to the efforts of Dr. Dawn Smith. She prepared the basic material in Word Perfect form and donated it to the Association for Hispanic Classical Theater for inclusion here in December 1996. The text was then edited and translated into HTML format with a few additions. As usual, this process may have led to the inclusion of a few typographical or coding errors. If you note any, please send word of that to Vern Williamsen [vwilliam@u.arizona.edu]. All who use this listing will be grateful for your aid in improving what we have provided.

We recommend that you also consult English Translations from the Spanish, 1484-1943. A Bibliography, by Remigio Ugo Pane (Rutgers University Press. 1944) and The Literature of Spain in English Translation: A Bibliography by Robert S. Rudder (New York: Unger, 1975).

Columbia University Library also lists a number of translations of Golden Age Plays (some only available on microfilm). To date, we have not been able to check these out and would welcome comments from anyone who has occasion to consult the list at Columbia. (Please address these comments to Dawn Smith at DSMITH@EAGLE.CA)

We realize that this current listing may be far from complete at this time. Please help us to update it and ensure its usefulness to all. Send comments or further bibliographical information to Dawn Smith (DSMITH@EAGLE.CA).



The Mystery Play of Elche (Music Drama in Two Acts). Tr. Walter Starkie. In Eight Spanish Plays of the Golden Age. Ed. Walter Starkie. New York: Random House (Modern Library), 1964.


A secreto agravio secreta venganza (Secret Vengeance for Secret Insult) Tr. Edwin Honig. In Calderón: Four Plays New York: Hill & Wang. 1961.

El alcalde de Zalamea (The Mayor of Zalamea) Tr. and adapted by Adrian Mitchell. Bath: Absolute Classics. 1990. Also published by the Salamander Press, Edinburgh, 1981. (Performed at the Royal National Theatre, London, in 1981-82. Misses the poetry and the nuances of the original, although it played well on stage. D.S.)

--. Tr. William E. Colford. Great Neck N.Y.: Barron's Educational Series. 1985.

--. (The Mayor of Zalamea). Tr. Edward FitzGerald. In Six Dramas of Calderón. London: A. Moring, The De la More Press, 1903.

--. Tr. Walter Starkie. In Eight Spanish Plays of the Golden Age. Ed. Walter Starkie. New York: Random House (Modern Library), 1964.

--. Tr. Edwin Honig. In Calderón: Four Plays. New York: Hill & Wang. 1961.

Amar después de morir (Love After Death) Tr. by Roy Campbell. In The Classic Theatre. Volume III: Six Spanish Plays. N.Y.: Doubleday (Anchor Books). 1959.

El astrólogo fingido (The Fake Astrologer) Tr. & Ed. Max Openheimer Jr. Peter Lang. 1994.

Celos aun del aire matan (Jealousy Even of the Air Kills [no translation of the title is provided]) Tr. & Ed. Matthew D. Stroud. S. Antonio TX.: Trinity U.P. Date 1981 (ISBN 0-911536.90-6)

La cena del Rey Baltasar (The Feast of Belshazzar) Tr. Willis Knapp Jones. In Spanish One-Act Plays in English. Dallas: Tardy. 1934.

--.  (Belshazzar's Feast) Tr. Denis F. McCarthy. In Mysteries of Corpus Christi. Dublin: J. Duffy, 1867.

--. Tr. R. G. Barnes. In Three Spanish Sacramental Plays: For Our Sake. San Francisco: Chandler Publishing Co. 1969.

Casa con dos puertas mala es de guardar (A House with Two Doors is Difficult to Guard). Tr. Kenneth Muir and Ann L. Mackenzie. In Three Comedies. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 1985.

La cisma de Ingalaterra (The Schism in England) Tr. & ed. Ann L. Mackenzie & K. Muir. Warminster: Aris & Phillips. 1990.

La dama duende (The Phantom Lady) Tr. Edwin Honig. In Calderón: Four Plays. New York: Hill & Wang. 1961.

--. (The Fairy Lady). Tr. Baron Henry Richard Vassall Holland. In Three Comedies. London: J. Hatchard, 1807. (New York: Readex Microprint, 1970. "English and American Drama of the Nineteenth Century.")

--. (Woman is a Riddle). Tr. Lucy Rodd Price [?]. London: T. Lowndes, 1770. According to Johnson, [Richard] Savage wrote the play which he afterwards turned over to [Christopher] Bullock who altered it slightly and produced it as his own; but Baker claims that both authors took it from a translation of Calderón's "La dama duende" by Mrs. Price. Cf. Johnson's "Life of Savage" and Baker's "Biog. Dram."; Dict. Of Nat. Biog..

--. (The Phantom Lady). Tr. Matthew Stroud. Peformed in the year 2000 at Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas. Available at this web site by clicking here

La devoción a la Cruz (Devotion to the Cross) Tr. Edwin Honig. In Calderón: Four Plays. New York: Hill & Wang. 1961.

--. (The Devotion of the Cross). Tr. Denis F. McCarthy. London: Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts, 1861.

Dicha y desdicha del nombre (The Advantages and Disadvantages of a Name). Tr. Kenneth Muir and Ann L. Mackenzie. In Pedro Calderón de la Barca: Four Comedies. Lexington: Kentucky University Press, 1980.

La divina Filotea (The Divine Philothea) Tr. Denis F. McCarthy. In Mysteries of Corpus Christi. Dublin: J. Duffy. 1867.

Fortune Mends. Tr. [?]. In The Theatrical Recorder, by Thomas Holcroft. London: H. D. Symonds, 1806. New York: Readex Microprint, 1970. "English and American Drama of the Nineteenth Century.")

From Bad to Worse [Peor está que estaba?]. Tr. [?]. In The Theatrical Recorder, Vol. I, by Thomas Holcroft. London: H. D. Symonds, 1805. New York: Readex Microprint, 1970. "English and American Drama of the Nineteenth Century.")

Los encantos de la culpa (The Sorceries of Sin). Tr. Denis F. McCarthy. London: Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts, 1861. New York: Readex Microprint, 1970. "English and American Drama of the Nineteenth Century.")

La estatua de Prometeo (The Statue of Prometheus) Translated by Kathleen Costales (1994). For further information, contact the translator, or Dr. Dawn Smith [dsmith@eagle.ca].

Gil Pérez, el gallego (Gil Pérez, the Gallician). Tr. Edward FitzGerald. In Six Dramas of Calderón. London: A. Moring, The De la More Press, 1903.

El gran teatro del mundo (The Great Stage of the World) Tr. George W. Brandt. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 1976. (Performed by students of the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School, 1968.)

--. Tr. Angel Flores. In Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1957.

--. The Great Stage of the World). Tr. George W. Brandt. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1976.

--. (The Great Theatre of the World) Tr. and adapted by Adrian Mitchell. Bath: Absolute Classics. 1990. (Performed by the Medieval Players, UK., 1984-85.)

--. Tr. Mack Hendricks Singleton. In Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age. New York: Holt Rinehart. 1957.

Guárdate del agua mansa (Beware of Still Waters) Tr. & Ed. David M. Gitlitz. S. Antonio Tx.: Trinity Univ. Press. 1981. (ISBN 0-939980-04-5)

--. (Beware of Smooth Water). Tr. Edward FitzGerald. In Six Dramas of Calderón. London: A. Moring, The De la More Press, 1903.

Justina. Tr. Denis F. McCarthy. London: J. Burns, 1848. New York: Readex Microprint, 1970. "English and American Drama of the Nineteenth Century.")

El mágico prodigioso (The Wonder-Working Magician) Tr. by Percy Bysshe Shelley (in an abridged version). In The Classic Theatre. Vol III: Six Spanish Plays. Ed. Eric Bentley. New York: Doubleday (Anchor Books). 1959. pp. 487-507.

--. (The Prodigious Magician). Tr. Bruce W. Wardropper. Potomac, MD: Studia Humanitatis, 1982[?].

--. (The Wonder-Working Magician). Tr. Denis F. McCarthy. London: H. S. King, 1873.

Mañanas de abril y mayo (Mornings of April and May). Tr. Kenneth Muir and Ann L. Mackenzie. In Three comedies. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 1985.

El mayor encanto Amor (Love, the Greatest Enchantment). Tr. Denis F. McCarthy. London: Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts, 1861. New York: Readex Microprint, 1970. "English and American Drama of the Nineteenth Century.")

El médico de su honra (The Surgeon of his Honour) Tr. Roy Campbell. Madison, Wisconsin: U. of Wisconsin Press. 1960.

--. (The Physician of His Honour) Tr. & Ed. Dian Fox & Donald Hindley. Warminster: Aris & Phillips. 1997. Dual text edition.

--. (The Surgeon of Honour) Tr. & Introduced by Gwynne Edwards. In Calderón: Plays One. London: Methuen. 1991. pp. 3-100.

Nadie fíe su secreto (Keep Your Own Secret). Tr. Baron Henry Richard Vassall Holland. In Three Comedies. London: J. Hatchard, 1807. (New York: Readex Microprint, 1970. "English and American Drama of the Nineteenth Century.")

--. (Keep Your Own Secret). Tr. Edward FitzGerald. In Six Dramas of Calderón. London: A. Moring, The De la More Press, 1903.

No hay burlas con el amor (There is no Trifling with Love) Tr. Vern Williamsen. On Comedia website. (URL=http://listserv.ccit.arizona.edu/comedia.html)

--. (Love is no Laughing Matter) Tr. D.W. Cruickshank and S. Page. Warminster: Aris & Phillips. 1986. (Dual text edition). (ISBN 0-85668 366 3 [paper])

--. (No Trifling with Love). Tr. Kenneth Muir and Ann L. Mackenzie. In Three Comedies. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 1985.

--. (Love is no Laughing Matter> Tr. & Ed. Kenneth Muir & Ann L. Mackenzie. In Pedro Calderón de la Barca: Three Comedies. Lexington, KY: U. Kentucky Press. 1985. pp. 131-190.

No siempre lo peor es cierto (The Worst is Not Always Certain). Tr. Kenneth Muir and Ann L. Mackenzie. In Pedro Calderón de la Barca: Four Comedies. Lexington: Kentucky University Press, 1980.

Peor está que estaba (From Bad to Worse). Tr. Kenneth Muir and Ann L. Mackenzie. In Pedro Calderón de la Barca: Four Comedies. Lexington: Kentucky University Press, 1980.

El pintor de su deshonra (The Painter of his Dishonour) Tr. & Ed. A.K.G. Paterson. Warminster: Aris & Phillips. 1989. Dual text edition.

--. (The Painter of His Dishonour). New version by David Johnston & Laurence Boswell. Bath: Absolute Classics. 1995. Directed by Laurence Boswell and performed by the Royal Shakespeare Co. at The Other Place, Stratford-Upon-Avon, in July 1995.

--. (The Painter of His Own Dishonour). Tr. Edward FitzGerald. In Six Dramas of Calderón. London: A. Moring, The De la More Press, 1903.

El purgatorio de San Patricio (The Purgatory of Saint Patrick). Tr. Denis F. McCarthy. London: H. S. King, 1873. New York: Readex Microprint, 1970. "English and American Drama of the Nineteenth Century.")

El secreto a voces (The Secret Spoken Aloud). Tr. Kenneth Muir and Ann L. Mackenzie. In Pedro Calderón de la Barca: Four Comedies. Lexington: Kentucky University Press, 1980. Tres justicias en una (Three Judgements in One). Tr. & Introduced by Gwynne Edwards. In Calderón: Plays One. London: Methuen. 1991. pp. 201-304.

--. (Three Judgements at a Blow). Tr. Edward FitzGerald. In Six Dramas of Calderón. London: A. Moring, The De la More Press, 1903.

The Two Lovers of Heaven, Chrysanthus and Daria: A Drama of Early Christian Rome. Tr. Denis F. McCarthy. Dublin: J. F. Fowler; London: J.C. Hotten, 1870. New York: Readex Microprint, 1970. "English and American Drama of the Nineteenth Century.")

La vida es sueño (Life's a Dream). Tr. and adapted by Adrian Mitchell & John Barton. Bath: Absolute Classics. 1990. (Performed by the Royal Shakespeare Co. at Stratford-upon-Avon, 1983.)

--. (Life is a Dream). Tr. by Kathleen Raine & Rafael Martínez Nadal. New York: Theatre Arts Books. 1969. [Good, accurate and poetic version. D.S.]

--. (Life is a Dream). Tr. Edward & Elizabeth Huberman. In Spanish Drama. Ed. Angel Flores. New York: Bantam Books. 1968. pp. 193-242.

--. (Life is a Dream). Tr. and Introduced by Gwynne Edwards. In Calderón: Plays One. London: Methuen. 1991. pp. 103-200.

--. (Life is a Dream). Tr. & introduced by William E. Colford. Woodbury, N.Y.: Barron's Educational Series. 1958.

--. (Life is a Dream). Tr. by Roy Campbell. In The Classic Theatre. Vol III: Six Spanish Plays. Ed. Eric Bentley. New York: Doubleday (Anchor Books). 1959. [A lyrical version by the well-known British poet and hispanophile who was killed at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War.]

--. Life is a Dream). Tr. Denis F. McCarthy. London: H. S. King, 1873. New York: Readex Microprint, 1970. "English and American Drama of the Nineteenth Century.")

--. (Life is a Dream). Tr. Edwin Honig. New York: Hill and Wang. 1970.

--. (Life is a Dream). Tr. John Clifford. 1998. His agent is Alan Brodie Representation 211 Piccadilly, London WIV 9LD (England). Tel. 0171 917-2781.

CARVAJAL, Miguel de

Tragedia Josephina (The Josephine Tragedy). Tr. by Michael D. McGaha (1994). Contact Dr. McGaha at Pomona College, Claremont CA., or Dr. D. Smith [dsmith@eagle.ca].

CERVANTES, Miguel de

La destrucción de Numancia (The Siege of Numantia). Tr. by Roy Campbell. In The Classic Theatre. Vol III: Six Spanish Plays. Ed. Eric Bentley. New York: Doubleday Anchor Books). 1959. (A lyrical version by the well-known British poet and hispanophile who was killed at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War.)

Ocho entremeses (Eight Interludes). Tr. & Ed. Dawn Smith. London: J.M. Dent. Everyman Paperbacks. 1996. (ISBN 0 460 87751 8).

--. Tr. & Ed. Randall Listerman. Mellon Press. 1991 (A selection of 5 of the "Interludes" was performed at the Chamizal Festival in 1993).

--. (Interludes). Tr. [?]. New York: New American Library, 1964.

--. (The Interludes of Cervantes). Tr. Sylvanus Griswold Morley. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1948. [Contents: The Judge of the Divorce Court. Trampagos, the Widower Bully. The Election of the Daganzo Aldermen. The Picket of Love. The Biscayan. The Marvelous Pageant. The Cave of Salamanca. The Jealous Old Man].

La guarda cuidadosa (The Vigilant Sentinel). Tr. Ángel Flores & Joseph Liss. In Spanish Drama. Ed. Ángel Flores. New York: Bantam Books. 1968. pp. 21-31.

Pedro de Urdemales(Pedro, the Artful Dodger). Tr. Walter Starkie. In Eight Spanish Plays of the Golden Age. Ed. Walter Starkie. New York: Random House (Modern Library), 1964.

El viejo celoso (The Jealous Old Man [Interlude]). Tr.Walter Starkie. In Eight Spanish Plays of the Golden Age. Ed. Walter Starkie. New York: Random House (Modern Library), 1964.

COELLO, Antonio

Los empeños de seis horas (The Adventures of Six Hours). Tr. Sir Samuel Tuke (d. 1674). London: Printed for Henry Harrington, 1663 (Microfilm copy of text in British Library by University Microfilms [Ann Arbor, MI], 1968 in Early English Books, 1640-1700;299;10.


La presumida y la hermosa (Brains or Beauty). Tr. and ed. by Glen F. Dille. S. Antonio. Tx.:Trinity University Press. 1993. (ISBN 0-939980-20-7)

El rey perfecto (The Perfect King). Tr. by Michael McGaha. Tempe: Bilingual Press, 1991.


LOS EMPEÑOS DE UNA CASA (THE HOUSE OF TRIALS). Tr. David J. Pasto. New York: Peter Lang, 1997 (ISBN 0-8204-3102-8). Performed at the Chamizal Siglo de Oro Festival, March 1996, by a group from Oklahoma City University. David Pasto received the 1996 Franklin G. Smith Award for Translation (presented by the AHCT) in recognition of his translation.


La casa del tahur (Gambler's House). Tr. Vern Williamsen. On Comedia website [URL:http://listserv.ccit.arizona.edu/comedia.html] (Performed at Chamizal Festival, 1990.) Published in Allegorica (Texas A&M University) 11, (1990), 59-138.

El esclavo del demonio (The Devil's Slave). Tr. Michael D. McGaha. Introduction by J.M. Ruano. Ottawa: Dovehouse Editions. 1989. (ISBN O 919973 46 6)

MORETO, Agustín

El desdén con el desdén (Spite for Spite). Tr. Dakin Matthews. A verse translation with introduction and notes. Lyme, NH: Smith and Kraus, 1995. The translator has and will provide an errata sheet if you contact him at dakinm@aol.com


La monja alférez (The Nun Ensign, dual text edition with the purported prose autobiography of Catalina de Arauso) Tr. and edition by James Fitzmaurice-Kelly. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1908.

ROJAS, Fernando de

Celestina. (Celestina, or The Tragicke-comedy of Calisto and Melibea. Tr. James Mabbe. London: Printed by J.B., 1631. New York: AMS Press, 1967. Ed. Guadalupe Martínez Lacalle, London: Tamesis, 1972.

--.  Adapted by Eric Bentley. Tr. James Mabbe. NY: Applause Books. ISBN: 0-936839-0105. (Paper: $7.95) (Applause Catalogue 95/96. p.86.) Also in The Classic Theatre. Vol III: Six Spanish Plays. Ed. Eric Bentley. New York: Doubleday (Anchor Books). 1959. pp. 3-95. [James Mabbe made the first translation of this work in 1631. He was also renowned for his translation of Guzmán de Alfarache, by Mateo Alemán.]

--.  (The Spanish Bawd; being the tragi-comedy of Calisto and Melibea). Tr. John M. Cohen. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1964; London: Folio Society, 1973.

--.  (The Celestina; a Novel in Dialogue). Tr. Lesley Byrd Simpson. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1955.

--.  Tr. & Ed. Dorothy Sherman Severin. Warminster: Aris & Phillips. Dual Text edition.


La traición busca el castigo (The False Friend) Tr. Sir Joh Vanbrugh. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1702.

RUEDA, Lope de

La Carátula (The Mask). Tr. Walter Starkie. In Eight Spanish Plays of the Golden Age. Ed. Walter Starkie. New York: Random House (Modern Library), 1964.

Eufemia. Tr. William Stanley Merwin. In From the Spanish Morning. New York: Atheneum, 1985.

Los pasos (The Interludes). Tr. Randall Listerman. Ottawa: Dovehouse Editions. 1988. (ISBN 0 919473 65 2)

Las olivas (The Olives). Tr. Angel Flores. In Spanish Drama. New York: Bantam Books. 1968. pp. 15-18.

RUIZ, Arcipreste de Hita, Juan

The Gallant, the bawd, and the fair lady. Tr. Walter Starkie. In Eight Spanish Plays of the Golden Age. Ed. Walter Starkie. New York: Random House (Modern Library), 1964.


Las paredes oyen, a verse translation. Tr. Carey Allen Bunker, M.A. Thesis, University of Arizona, 1953.

--.  (The Walls Have Ears) Tr. Dakin Matthews. 1998. A Verse Translation. Andak Theatrical Services, 4916 Vineland Ave., North Hollowood, CA 91601. Tel. (818) 506-5436. Also available for study purposes only at the COMEDIA home site. (URL http://listserv.ccit.arizona.edu/comedia.html).

La verdad sospechosa (The Truth Suspected). Tr. Robert C. Ryan. In Spanish Drama. Ed. Angel Flores. New York: Bantam Books. 1968. pp. 189.

--. (Love's True Lies). Tr. Kenneth Stackhouse. 1994. For further information contact Professor Stackhouse [kstack@saturn.vcu.edu] (Performed at Chamizal Festival, 1995). Also available at the COMEDIA home site (URL http://listserv.ccit.arizona.edu/comedia.html).

--. (The Truth Can't Be Trusted). Tr. Dakin Matthews. 1997. A Verse Translation. Andak Theatrical Services, 4916 Vineland Ave., North Hollowood, CA 91601. Tel. (818) 506-5436. Also available for study purposes only at the COMEDIA home site. (URL http://listserv.ccit.arizona.edu/comedia.html).

--. A verse translation. Tr. Carey Allen Bunker, M.A. Thesis, University of Arizona, 1953.

SOLÍS, Antonio de

Un bobo hace ciento (One Fool Makes Many). Tr. Baron Henry Richard Vassall Holland. In Three Comedies. London: J. Hatchard, 1807. New York: Readex Microprint, 1970, "English and American Drama of the Nineteenth Century."

TIRSO DE MOLINA (Gabriel Téllez)

Los balcones de Madrid (The Balconies of Madrid). Tr. Kenneth Stackhouse. On Comedia website [URL http://listserv.ccit.arizona.edu/comedia.html] (Performed at the Chamizal Festival in 1994.)

El burlador de Sevilla (The Joker of Seville). Tr. and adapted by Derek Walcott. New York: Farrar, Strauss & Giroux. 1978. A version of the original, set in the Caribbean. Performed in Toronto by students of the Graduate School for Drama, 1984.

--. (The Last Days of Don Juan). Tr. & adapted by Nick Dear. Bath: Absolute Classics. 1990. (Performed by Royal Shakespeare Co. at the Swan Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon in 1990.)

--. (The Trickster of Seville). Tr. & Ed. by G. Edwards. Warminster: Aris & Phillips. [?]. Dual text edition.

--. (The Rogue of Seville). Tr. Robert O'Brien. In Spanish Drama. Ed. A. Flores. New York: Bantam Books. 1968. pp. 83-133.

--. Tr. A. Flores. In Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1957.

--. (The Trickster of Seville). Tr. by Roy Campbell. In The Classic Theatre. Vol III: Six Spanish Plays. Ed. Eric Bentley. New York: Doubleday (Anchor Books). 1959.

--. (The Playboy of Seville). Tr. Walter Starkie. In Eight Spanish Plays of the Golden Age. Ed. Walter Starkie. New York: Random House (Modern Library), 1964.

--. (The Playboy of Seville, or Supper With a Statue). Tr. Oscar Mandel. In Three Classic Don Juan Plays. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1971.

--. (The Beguiler from Sevilla and the Stone Guest). Tr. [?]. Lawrence, KA: Coronado Press, 1976.

--. (The Love-rogue: A Poetic Drama in Three Acts. Tr. Harry Kemp. New York: Lieber and Lewis, 1923.

--. Also translated by David Gitlitz. For further information, refer to Dr. Gitlitz, University of Rhode Island. Kingston. [dgitlitz@uriacc.uri.edu]

El condenado por desconfiado (Damned for Despair). Tr. and adapted by Laurence Boswell & Jonathan Thacker. Bath: Absolute Classics. 1992. (Performed at the Gate Theatre, London, in 1991.)

--. (Damned for Despair). Tr. & Ed. by N.G. Round. Warminster: Aris & Phillips. 1986. (ISBN 0-85668 330 2 [paper]). Dual text edition.

--. (The Doubter Damned). Tr. John Browning & Fiorigio Minelli. Ottawa: Dovehouse Editions. 1991. (ISBN 0 919473 80 6. paper)

Don Gil de las calzas verdes (Don Gil of the Green Breeches). Tr. & adapted by Laurence Boswell & Deirdre McKenna. Bath: Absolute Classics. 1992. (Performed at the Gate Theatre, London, in 1990.)

--. (Don Gil of the Green Breeches). Tr. & Ed. by G. G. Minter. Warminster: Aris & Phillips. 1991. Dual text edition.

--. (Don Gil of the Breeches Green). Tr. John Browning & Fiorigio Minelli. Ottawa: Dovehouse Editions. 1991. (ISBN 0 919473 80 6. paper)

La venganza de Tamar (The Rape of Tamar). Tr. Paul Whitworth. (In press with Absolute Classics, Bath. UK.) [Performed in London, England, 1992, and at the Santa Cruz Shakespeare Festival, California, in 1994. A brilliant translation with some ingenious approximations to the original Spanish. Highly actable. D.S.]

--. (Tamar's Revenge). Tr. J.E. Lyon. Warminster: Aris and Phillips. 1988. Dual Text edition.

El vergonzoso en palacio(The Bashful Man at Court). Tr. John Browning & Fiorigio Minelli. Ottawa: Dovehouse Editions. 1991. (ISBN 0 919473 80 6. paper)

--. (The Outcast In). Tr. Harley Erdman. Performed at the Chamizal Festival in 1993. For further information, contact the translator via e-mail at harley@theater.umass.edu

La vida y muerte de Herodes (The Life and Death of Herod). A Christmas Tragedy and Epiphany. Ed. Frederick H. Fornoff. (Iberica 2) New York: Lang, 1991.


De la serrana de Plasencia. Tr. Richard G. Barnes. In Three Spanish Sacramental Plays: For Our Sake. San Francisco: Chandler Publishing Co. 1969.

VEGA, Lope de

El amor por burla (To Love in Jest). Tr. Kenneth Stackhouse (1996). For further information, contact Dr Stackhouse at Virginia Commonwealth University [kstack@saturn.vcu.edu] or Dr. Dawn Smith [dsmith@eagle.ca]

El anzuelo de Fenisa (Fenisa's Hook, or Fenisa the Hooker). Tr. David Gitlitz. S. Antonio Tx.: Trinity Univ. Press. 1988 (ISBN 0-939980-19-3)

Auto sacramental de la circuncisión y sangría de Cristo, nuestro bien. Tr. Richard G. Barnes. In Three Spanish Sacramental Plays: For Our Sake. San Francisco: Chandler Publishing Co. 1969.

El caballero de Olmedo (The Gentleman from Olmedo). Tr. & adapted by David Johnston. Bath: Absolute Classics. 1992. (Performed at the Gate Theatre, London, in 1991)

--. (The Knight from Olmedo). Tr. Jill Booty. In Lope de Vega: Five Plays. New York: Hill & Wang. 1961. pp. 176-228. [Intro. by R.D.F. Pring- Mill].

--. (The Knight of Olmedo). Tr. Kenneth Stackhouse. Contact Professor Stackhouse for further information. [kstack@saturn.vcu.edu] This version was performed by students at Virginia Commonwealth University.

El castigo sin venganza (Lost in a Mirror). Tr. and adapted by Adrian Mitchell. Bath: Absolute Classics. 1989.

--. (Justice without Revenge). Tr. by Jill Booty. In Lope de Vega: Five Plays. New York: Hill & Wang. 1961. (Intro. by R.D.F. Pring-Mill.

--. (Punishment without Revenge). Tr. by C.J. Davies. Warminster: Aris & Phillips. In Press (?). Dual text edition.

La dama boba (Lady Nit-wit), Tr. William Oliver. Tempe: Bilingual Review Press. 1995.

La discreta enamorada (In Love but Discreet). Tr. Vern Williamsen. On website - see Main page [URL=http://listserv.ccit.arizona.edu/comedia.html] Performed at the Chamizal Festival in 1986).

Don Lope de Cardona (The Young Admirall). As it was Presented by Her Majesties Servants, at the Private House in Drury Lane). Tr. and adapted by James Shirley. London: Printed by Thomas Cotes for Andrew Crooke and William Cooke, 1637.

La estrella de Sevilla (The Star of Seville). Tr. Steven Strange. For further information, contact translator, or Dr. D. Smith [DSmith@eagle.ca].

The Father Outwitted: An Interlude. Philadelphia: M. Carey, 1811. Micro fiche series "Early American Imprints. Second series, no. 24331."

Fuenteovejuna. Tr. & adapted by Adrian Mitchell. Bath: Absolute Classics. 1989. (Performed at Royal National Theatre, London, in 1989.)

--. Tr. & Ed. by Victor Dixon. Warminster: Aris & Phillips. 1989.

--. Tr. Angel Flores & Muriel Kittel. In Spanish Drama. New York: Bantam Books. 1968. pp. 35-80. Also in Masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1957.

--. Tr. Jill Booty. In Lope de Vega: Five Plays. New York: Hill & Wang. 1961. pp. 57- 108. [Intro. by R.D.F. Pring-Mill, who praises the actability of this and the companion pieces, while noting the necessary loss of G.A. rhetoric.]

--. Tr. David Gitlitz. For further information, contact Dr. Gitlitz at the University of Rhode Island, Kingston R.I. [dgitlitz@uriacc.uri.edu]

--. Tr. John Garret Underhill. In Four Plays. New York: S.Scribnerþs Sons, 1936.

La gallarda toledana (The Incomparable Doña Ana). Tr. Harvey Erdman. (Performed at the Chamizal Festival, 1991). For information contact Harvey Erdman. [harley@theater.umass.edu].

Lo cierto por lo dudoso (A Certainty for a Doubt). Tr. John Garrett Underhill. In Four Plays. New York: C. Scribnerþs Sons. 1936.

Lo fingido verdadero (Acting is Believing). Tr. Michael McGaha. S. Antonio Tx.: Trinity Univ. Press. 1986.

--. (The Great Pretenders). Tr. and adapted by David Johnston. Bath: Absolute Classics. 1992. (Performed at the Gate Theatre, London, in 1991)

El mayordomo de la Duquesa de Amalfi (The Duchess of Amalfi's Steward). Tr. Cynthia Rodriguez-Badendyck. Ottawa: Dovehouse Editions. 1985. [A very clear and fluent translation. D.S.]

El mejor alcalde, el rey (The Kig, the Greatest Alcalde). Tr. John Garrett Underhill. Boston, 1918. Also in Four Plays. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1936.

El mejor mozo de España (The Best Boy in Spain). Tr. David Gitlitz. Tempe: Bilingual Press. 1995.

El nuevo mundo descubierto por Cristóbal Colón (The New World Discovered by Christopher Columbus). Tr. Robert M. Shannon (1994). [Contact the translator (rshannon@sjuphil.sju.edu) or Dr. D. Smith (dsmith@eagle.ca)].

Peribáñez. Tr. J.M. Lloyd. Warminster: Aris & Phillips. 1990.Dual text edition.

--. Tr. Walter Starkie. In Eight Spanish Plays of the Golden Age. Ed. Walter Starkie. New York: Random House (Modern Library), 1964.

--. Tr. Jill Booty. In Lope de Vega: Five Plays. New York: Hill & Wang. 1961. pp. 3-56. [Intro. by R.D.F. Pring-Mill. See also Fuenteovejuna.]

El perro del hortelano (The Dog in the Manger). Tr. and ed. Victor Dixon. Ottawa: Dovehouse Editions. 1990. (ISBN 0 919473 80 6 Paper).

--. (The Dog in the Manger). Tr. Jill Booty. In Lope de Vega: Five Plays. New York: Hill & Wang. 1961. [Intro. R.D.F. Pring-Mill. See also Fuenteovejuna]. ...................... (The Gardener;s Dog). Tr. John Garrrett Underhill. In Four Plays. Boston: C. Scribner's Sons, 1936.


Reinar después de morir (Inés Reigned in Death). Tr. Joseph R. Jones and Kenneth Muir. Lexington, Ky.: Windell Press, 1988. (Hand-printed and bound on Iyo paper, with original illustrations by Robert James Foose. Copies are available from W. Gay Reading, 412 West Second Street, Lenxington, KY, 40508. $150.00).


Texto electrónico por Vern G. Williamsen y J T Abraham
Formateo adicional por Matthew D. Stroud

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Association for Hispanic Classical Theater, Inc.

Most recent update: 30 Jun 2002